Dedication Gifts in Memory
Dedication Gifts in Memory
After my darling father died, one of the things I thought about was how I could remember him and what I could do in his memory on days such as his birthday, Father’s Day and Christmas Day.
Do something positive in memory
I didn’t want to find myself going into shops and being upset by seeing “Happy Birthday, to the best Dad in the world” cards, or Father’s Day cards. And I knew it was not something my lovely Dad would have wanted, either. He would prefer that I did something more positive.
Think about what your loved one would love
So I sat and thought about how I could remember him and show him I was still thinking of him.
One of the things Dad loved in life was to sit in the shade of a tree with the papers and drift off in a doze, listening to the birds. And he loved seeing new places. It occurred to me that it would be a lovely thing in Father’s memory to plant a tree, or contribute to an appeal for wildlife habitat. If I did something on his birthday, for Father’s Day and for Christmas, that would mean that quite a few trees were planted or acres would be saved over the years. It would all add up to a lot of habitat – and a lot of love.
Help wildlife habitat survive and thrive!
So that’s what I’ve been doing. I don’t always do it on the exact day. If there’s an appeal close to Christmas Day, Father’s Day and Dad’s birthday in November, I’ll support that in his memory. On the actual day, I look at the work the charity is doing, and leaf through the information I have on the appeal I’ve supported for him. And I’ll raise a glass to him, of course!
What it means for me is that instead of feeling very sad and low because I can’t buy him a card, I feel far more positive and joyful because I can do something for a cause he cared about in his memory. It’s still giving him a present on his special day. Dad is there, all over the world, represented by the trees that have been planted, the habitat that’s being protected and the wildlife scampering about in it.
Give a gift that keeps giving and remembering
I feel that my love for Dad is being sprinkled around the world! It gives me a warm feeling in my heart, knowing that he would love this idea, and that it is helping wildlife to survive and thrive. In my mind, it really is a gift that keeps giving. Love you, my darling Dad, and thinking of you xxxx
So if you would like to do something in memory of a loved one, the first thing I would say that it’s never too late to start – you could keep a folder of the places where you’ve planted trees, or supported an appeal. When you look back over what you’ve done, this can really add up. You can get a cork board and put the places you’ve donated to up on a wall – I might start doing that!
How to start
Just choose a place to donate to – this could be one that’s local to you, one in an area which was your loved one’s favourite place or which they had a link to during their life. Many charities will have dedication opportunities or at least a way you can show that you’ve donated in memory of a loved one, perhaps with a drop down box.
I picked the Woodland Trust’s appeal in East Sussex to start off with, because it was close to Winnie the Pooh country, and Dad adored Winnie the Pooh (as do I!) Or you may find one that’s overseas. You can use google to find a charity that fits the bill, but there are also growing lists of them on this website. The World Land Trust enables you to plant a tree, so does the Woodland Trust. Many Wildlife Trusts will have appeals, too. You could sponsor an acre, plant a tree – it doesn’t matter. I’ve just sponsored an acre in Montana, where there are lots of grizzlies – Dad was very bear like, with his round tummy – and the feeling that I’ve saved that acre for them means the world. I smile whenever I think of it!
Tips for giving in memory
You don’t need to do it on the actual date of your loved one’s birthday or a particular anniversary. Just find a way to link your act of giving to your loved one.
- You don’t need to spend a lot – every single donation helps with appeals. Even £5 makes a difference and it shows the organisers that people care and want to get involved, which means the world.
- You could pick places which are special to your loved one and yourself – perhaps you’ve visited a place together. Or you could pick places you’ve never been to. You can decide on where you want to give your support.
- You could support one charity or different ones. I’ve supported the World Land Trust, the Woodland Trust, Alderney Wildlife Trust, the Snow Leopard Trust – the list goes on and on!
- You can mix things up. I’ve donated to plant trees, sponsor an acre, contribute to a marine protected area – anything which helps protect and restore natural habitat for wildlife.
- Sometimes I’ll just do it because. The moment and memories tell me to do something in Dad’s memory.
- You could just do it once a year – pick the occasions you want to particularly remember your loved one. Don't feel guilty if you don't miss out.
- You could do this in memory of pets, too.
Start with an acorn of an idea
and watch it grow into an oak! have a number of memorial gifts for the garden