"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

Around the world, there are many groups of committed people who are making sure wildlife have the space they need to survive and thrive.  Please find a group to join so that you can be a part of their journey to help wildlife. If we all pull together, we can really power through change for the better.  The more of us who help create, protect, care for and save existing and new spaces, the better.

Yes, it's time for the Big Butterfly Count 2024!   Get involved in butterfly conservation, and help Butterfly Conservation by counting butterflies and moths and reporting your findings to them!  It only takes 15 minutes and it's free to do.   There's a butterfly ID chart or free app for iOS and Android to help you identify and record the butterflies you spot.  Visit the Big Butterfly Count's website here.

The 15th July is Arctic Sea Ice Day, and Polar Bears International focuses on sea ice loss in the Arctic, why it matters and how we can help it.  Find out more here.

Restore Nature Now was a march for nature, London 22nd June 2024

This march took place through central London on the 22nd June, urging our political leaders to take action to restore nature.   A large number of wildlife and nature charities marched, along with 60,000 people, and you can watch the march on You Tube and find out more about it here.   

The 22nd June is also World Rainforests Day - will you pledge to act? (It's simpler than you think!)

Visit World Rainforest Day to find out more

Borrowdale is the largest temperate rainforest in the UK - it's in the beautiful Lake District.  Temperate rainforests are vital carbon stores, and home to animals, plants and fungi!.   And Borrowdale has just become a protected nature reserve, as a result of a decision by Natural England and the National Trust!   You can find out all about it here. 

The 8th June is World Oceans Day

Wherever you are in the world, there will be something you can to protect and look after the world's oceans.  This year, the theme of #WorldOceanDay is Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate.   And the website for this day has got 12 months of action - an action you can take every month.  Explore those actions here, and please do something to help our oceans.

Right on the heels of Big Match Fortnight (which kicked off in October 2023), the World Land Trust has just announced another appeal.   This one is in South Africa with the Trust's conservation partner, Wild Tomorrow.    They are looking to raise £100,000 of the £621.009 needed to purchase a missing piece of land which will restore a biological corridor and help species such as the elephant and rhino, birds and frogs.   Find out more from the World Land Trust.  

Springwatch is back on the BBC!

Springwatch is back on the BBC this week, and you can see the live wildlife cameras in Dorset here.   Take a look at the programme's website here.   The website has lots of information on how we can help wildlife.
Don't forget that on 22nd June, there's the Restore Nature Now march in Central London.  

This day takes place on 22nd May and the Convention on Biologcial Diversity have a #BiodiversityPlan which sets the world on a path to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.  Find out more here.

In 2024, Earth Day is all about Planet vs Plastics and how plastics are a danger to every living being, how we can call for a UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution, and call for an end to fast fashion.  Let's aim for a 60% Reduction of Plastic Production by 2040.  There are lots of events taking place and things to do and ways to get involved - visit Earth Day's website here.

Please help Free the Bears care for bears!

Free the Bears have just rescued 18 tiny bear cubs in Laos.  Find out all about the rescue here.

And their annual fundraiser, A Night in a Cage, is running on 13th April 2024 - why not take part?  You can spend a night in a cage in April (any night will do, you don't have to make it the 13th) and raise funds for Free the Bears.  Or sponsor people taking part!  Find out more here

So this is a great chance to find out what rewilding is and how it works, and also to see what's happening around the world to help nature.  The hashtag is #HopeIntoAction so please join social media and look out for it!

March is Seagrass Awareness Month
Help the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust with their work with seagrass

The 27th February is International Polar Bears Day!   You can take part by donating, tuning into live events with Polar Bears International, raising funds for polar bears and lots more!  Find out all about it here.

The 17th February 2024 was World Pangolin Day and an opportunity to raise awareness of the most trafficked animal in the world.   Find out more here from World Animal Protection.

You can also find out more from the Pangolin Crisis Fund. 

The 2nd February is World Wetlands Day and a chance to raise awareness of what wetlands are, and why they matter to people and wildlife.   Find out more here

Planet Earth III finished back in December 2023 with a look at some of the heroes of conservation around the world.  Their website has lots of ideas on how you can be a hero for conservation where you live.   Find out more here.

Image copyright Pearse O'Halloran

The Wildlife Trust of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire in England have a Beaver Appeal to enable them to bring beavers back to Northamptonshire!  They are marvellous eco-engineers - find out more about the appeal here.

The WWT (Wildfowl and Weltands Trust) have produced this great video to show how important garden ponds are to wildlife.   Now that the nights are drawing in, this is a great chance to spend some time discovering more about the power of ponds and working out how you can add water to your garden for wildlife, including mini-ponds.    
Visit WWT here.

The Woodland Trust has ten ways in which we can all help wildlife this weekend, including what you can do with your Halloween pumpkin and how you can help hedgehogs prepare for hibernation.   

Conservation charity's appeal for hugely loved Pinewoods area of Harrogate is successful!  The appeal was launched by the Pinewoods Conservation Group who work to protect and conserve the environment in the area.  


Take a look at these news items

13 elephants are to be released into the wild in Africa

France have a new lottery, the Loto de la Biodiversite

Ways to help save the Highland Tiger

Those amazing people at the Koala Clancy Foundation have great news for koalas and other wildlife - they've all been very busy planting trees and they've hit over 30,000 trees in 2023!  This just shows what can be done when groups of people work together for a cause.   Find out more

Image copyright Koala Clancy Foundation

Footage of a sun bear at a zoo in China has gone viral - not least because people who have seen the bear wanted to know if the bear, Angela, was fur real!  Find out more here

World Ranger Day

It was a big weekend for conservation, with International Tiger Day on 29th July, and World Ranger Day immediately after on the 31st July.   Find out more about World Ranger Day here.

Image copyright David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

The 29th July is International (or World) Tiger Day, and the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation has launched a Tiger Appeal.  These are such wonderful big cats - please find out more about the Tiger Appeal here

Did you know...
about Britain's temperate rainforests?  The Woodland Trust has produced this short video to tell us more about them.  And they have a Rainforest Appeal here

(You can also take a look at their cameras watching the osprey at the Loch Arkaig Pine Forest in the beautiful Scottish Highlands.)

The book "Earthshot" says that you and I can be part of the problem facing the planet - or we can be part of the solution.  Two things we can do is to protect the natural world and to reduce our impact.  "Urgency + Optimism = Action."

Wildlife need space to survive and thrive
Reduce our impact
Find out more about this new resource here

There's a website aiming to educate people into why you shouldn't poison bats you find in your home - it's a wonderful resource.  Find out more here

Find out about Wetlands and how you can help

There are lots of committed groups around the world working to help wildlife, the natural world and conservation.  Join in their efforts! 

Wildlife need space to survive and thrive

From ponds and rivers to mountains and deserts, wildlife need space to survive and thrive.  You and I can help save, protect and care for this habitat, and help create more space for wildlife.  We share the planet with them.