Jaguar Conservation

Will you help save those magnificent big cats, jaguars?

Jaguars need our help - and we can give it in a number of ways.  Their homes are being destroyed to make way for us to use the land for our own ends - particularly for agriculture.   

Save the Jaguars Home

Tell Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, ALDI, ASDA, and other companies to save the jaguars’ home!

Land grabbers are burning the Cerrado region in Brazil to clear the land for cattle and soy production.  The demand for meat never ends and huge multinational companies such as Cargill bring most of the Brazilian soy to the UK to feed cows and pigs.  Later, those cows and pigs are sold as pork and beef in our supermarkets. We need to tell our local supermarkets to force Cargill to protect the Cerrado region.  It's worked before in the Amazon - we need to put pressure on Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, ALDI and ASDA to tell Cargill to stop the fires - or they will take their business elsewhere.  Please sign Mighty Earth's petition here - and share it.

Jaguar Corridor Initiative

Panthera protect jaguars across their entire six million square kilometer range.  They work in partnership with governments, corporations, and local communities, and their Jaguar Corridor Initiative is striving to preserve jaguars by connecting and protecting core jaguar populations from northern Mexico to Argentina.   You can see a map showing the jaguars' range here.  The hope is that this initiative and the jaguar corridor will secure the jaguar’s future and give this wonderful big cat a secure place in Latin America.

Panthera began by mapping where the jaguars were, and the corridors they use to move about.  Using this information, Pathera can work with governments and corporations to support land developments which work for everyone, allowing the jaguars and other wildlife to move through them safely.  Their scientists work to mitigate human-jaguar conflict, training ranchers in techniques such as building predator-proof enclosures, and educating locals about the overhunting of jaguar prey species - overhunting of these encourages the jaguars to look to livestock for food.  
Find out more about it here. 

Adopt a Jaguar as a gift
 Image ©BornFree Foundation 
Adopt a Jaguar as a gift

The Born Free Foundation is working with other organisations (including the Segré Foundation and WildCRU) to protect Argentina’s diminishing jaguar population and promote the future expansion of its range.  They have an adoption scheme to help with their jaguar conservation work;  you can adopt a jaguar family who live in the Yungas which is a threatened area of forest in the north west of Argentina.  Work is being done to educate locals to reduce jaguar-human conflict and so decrease livestock losses and consequent retalitation killings.   Find out more from Born Free here