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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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Category: Environment

  1. World Environment Day 2020 is on 5th June

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    The 5th June is World Environment Day It’s time #ForNature

    Colombia is the host nation


    This year, the global host is Colombia.  The country is home to 51,000 species with the largest variety of birds and orchids in the world.  It ranks second in diversity of plants, butterflies, freshwater fish and amphibians and they flourish in over 300 types of ecosystems, some of which are in protected areas.   Find out more about Colombia here. 

    We need nature

    As the website points out, our food, air and water all come from nature.   And clearly we are living in times when nature is sending us a very strong message:

    To care for ourselves, we must care for nature.  Or, as I like to put it, look after earth, and she will look after us.

    We need to build back better for People and Planet.

    Visit the website – there’s a lot to get involved with including a biodiversity quiz,

    There’s a practical guide for individuals, faith groups, businesses, cities, governments, schools, universities, youth groups and civil society.  You can access it here.

    Download the guide

    Please at the very least, take time to read this tool kit.  Amongst other things, it explains that the five main drivers for biodiversity loss are:

    Land-use change – our demand for food and resoruces are driving deforestation and destroying natural habitats world-wide. 

    Over-explotation of plants and animals, from the large to the tiny, with fishing, logging and poaching threatening many speicies from the pangolin to the beluga sturgeon

    Climate Emergency – our warming seas are melting sea ice, so affecting polar bears, seals and fishing birds.  Our coral reefs are in trouble.  One in six speices could be threatened with extinction by 2050 if warming trends continue.

    How to help World Environment Day

    • Learn – this is a great chance to find out about the wild species nad habitats we share the planet with.
    • Share – why is it time #ForNature?  Share why you love our natural world. 
    • Act – Act on what you’ve learn to help end biodiversity loss and th climate crisis.  Then we can give nature the chance to heal and ensure a better and healthier future for everyone.

    There are plenty of ways we can all act as indivdiuals to save nature, from chainging our diet to travelling less, from leaving wild green spaces in our gardens so that pollinators and ground dwelling insects can thrive. We can stop using single-use plastics, and recycle as much as we can.  Grow your own (herbs on a window sill for instance, fruit bushes on a patio) and buy locally produced products and foods.

    This report has steps groups can take to make a difference and they are worth exploring to see what you can do as a group.

    There’s lots of help for schools as well.

    Let's all stand up for nature

    Some people will may drag their feet and complain.  Let them.  We cannot afford passengers now on this drive to look after nature.  We need to have the courage of our convictions and really start making a difference #ForNature.




  2. International Day of Biological Diversity is on 22 May 2020

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    The 22nd May 2020 is International Day for Biological Diversity and this year, the theme is “our solutions are in nature”.

    The UN proclaimed such a day to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues.

    Here’s the incredible Sir David Attenborough explaining what biodiversity is:


    Watch Our Planet on Netflix

    The Council of the EU has produced a good video, too, called  Help Protect Biodiversity and it will protect us

    The theme “Our solutions are in nature” emphasises the importance of working together at all levels to build a future of life in harmony with nature.

    2020 is a year to reflect, grab the moment and come up with creative and innovative solutions.  We all need to work to stop biodiversity loss, for all people and all life on Earth.

    Message from BirdLife International on Biodiversity Day 2020


  3. The 22nd April is Earth Day

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    The 22nd April each year is Earth Day.

    Earth Day is on every day and can be celebrated wherever you are – even in space!  Flood the earth with hope, optimism and action!

    In 2020, Earth Day is 50 years old.  The theme is Climate Action.  As its website says,

    Climate change represents the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems which make our world habitable.  

    If we look at the start of 2020 alone, the Australian bushfires left terrible damage behind them.  Organic Lesson wanted to give an idea of the severity of the crisis, by re-creating the smoke haze in scenic locations around the world and you can see what places like London, Singapore, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and the Alps would have looked like.

    The 22nd April is Earth Day - visit the website here


    The Earth Day Network works around the world to drive meaningful action for our planet across the following issues

    • Climate Action
    • Science and Education
    • People and Communities
    • Conservation and Restoration
    • Plastic and Pollution

    So whatever your interests are in earth, you should be able to find a way to get involved.  And Earth Day's website has toolkits you can use to really get out there and change the world and make a difference.

    Join Earth Day Live 2020

    There’s plenty you can do:

    • Add your voice or action to a world map to show your support
    • Organize a digital event for Earth Day or a physical one later - don't forget to register it!
    • Get involved in  Earth Challenge 2020, the world’s largest citizen science effort
    • Find at-home, digital Acts of Green to support a better planet
    • Spread the word on your social network to get friends and family involved
    • Read the news, learn about the campaigns, or download images

    View the information about Conservation and Restoration here but three actions you can take are:

    1. Take action for Conservation and Biodiversity –Sign up for the Biodiversity Beat 
    2. Take action for the Canopy Project
    3. Be a part of the largest volunteer project in history – the Great Global Cleanup

    In the coming year, Earth Day Network is aiming to plant 7.8 billion trees — one tree for every person on earth — in honour of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in 2020.

    Head off to Earth Day 2020 here and see what you can do to make a difference!


  4. Petition to help African wildlife and people from the African Wildlife Foundation

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    Please, please take a look at this petition! 

    The African Wildlife Foundation sent an email to say that the social distancing we are all doing has consequences for lions, elephants and other species in Africa’s 8,400 protected areas.

    Please sign and share - Thank you

    What has happened with the breakout of COVID-19 and social distancing?

    Well, tourism has plummeted.  As a result, so has the revenue the safari industry receives.  The industry budgets revenue to dedicate to wildlife protection and protected areas management.

    Wildlife and the people who protect it – rangers and community members who are employed in tourism and related businesses – will pay the price of this decline.

    Please, please sign this petition and show support for Africa’s critical areas.  They are home to endangered species and they also drive economies that support wildlife.

    By signing this petition, the African Wildlife Foundation says that you are on the side of:

    • Africa’s already threatened species who rely on protected areas for safe habitat
    • The health of some of the most biodiverse habitats in the world, which are found in protected areas
    • Local people who rely on sustainable nature tourism for a living

    Please sign and share - Thank you
    Please sign this petition today.
    and give African wildlife a voice

    Visit the African Wildlife Foundation's website here

     to find out more about the work they are doing

    and how you can help

  5. Please see this video from Gravitas - how nature is reclaiming its spaces due to the Coronavirus

    Posted on

    Sometimes you see something on the internet or on television that really hits you hard and makes a point extremely well.

    I saw this video, this afternoon, and I wanted to share it with you.  Please share it with everyone you can.

    The ultimate message is that we SHARE this planet.  It demonstrates how dominant the human race has become - and how selfish.   I am not going to tell you anymore about it - please just watch it for yourself.   Here it is:

    Thank you, Gravitas.

    Please vow to make a difference today. 
    Find out how to reduce your impact on the earth's resources here.