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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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» Listings for February 2020

  1. The Sierra Club (a grassroots environmental organisation in the US) has announced that there’s big, exciting news from a bank!

    JPMorgan Chase have announced at its annual Investor Day that:

    • It will not finance oil and gas extraction in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
    • It will not continue financing many coal-related enterprises, including thermal coal mines and coal-fired power plants across the world.

    The bank is by far the leading US investor in fossil fuels, and environmentalists and indigenous peoples have put pressure on the bank for years trying to move away from projects which threaten the climate.

    They promised to stop investing in and providing services to companies which derive “the majority of their revenues from the extraction of coal” by 2024, and not to provide financing to offshore and onshore oil and gas extraction in the Arctic

    Goldman Sachs also made a similar commitment not to financial oil drilling in the Arctic two months ago.

    Now, it’s vital that we put the pressure on other big banks to follow suit. 

    I wonder...

    Could their executives and shareholders live with themselves if there was an accident drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic which they had agreed to finance?  It only takes ONE spill to do unrepairable damage.  As the Sierra Club say, “Clean air, safe drinking water, wildlife and wild places are under attack-and once they're gone, they're gone for good.” 

    Dive in and put pressure on the banks
    © istockphoto.com Mario Hoppmann

    Tell These Big US Banks That Arctic Drilling Is Bad Business!

    The Sierra Club say that banks worldwide are refusing to fund Arctic drilling.  Some US banks are dragging their feet.  But Goldman Sachs have done it;  they were the trail-finders who have ruled out financing Arctic oil and gas drilling, thermal coal mines and coal-fired power projects around the world.  Thank you, everyone at Goldman Sachs.

    Sierra Club

    Big banks don’t want to fall behind on industry trends.  

    The Sierra Club is asking us all to focus our efforts on the other US funders which, they say, are notorious for propping up dirty fuels:  Wells Fargo, Citi, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley.

    The Sierra Club are asking everyone to:

    Send a message to the CEOs of the other major US banks, telling them that bankrolling Arctic drilling isn’t just bad business -- it’s a threat to Indigenous human rights and to the climate.

    Add your name here and you can send a message too, if you want to add power to it.

    Let’s all fight for wildlife and indigenous peoples and drill hard and deep for change in the right direction.  Let’s put pressure on. 


  2. MAY 2020:   SUCCESS:   The target has been reached!

    I’m a big fan of the World Land Trust and I always thinking it’s very exciting to see where they are going to work to save land next and follow the appeals.

    The new appeal they have just launched (end February 2020) is in Columbia and here it is:

    Here it is!

    ©World Land Trust

    WLT are working with Fundacion Biodiversa Colombia to save 260ha of lowland forest and wetlands. 

    They need to raise £295,000 to ensure these habitats are safe.  The area has already suffered from extreme deforestation and degradation – a whopping 90% of the original forests have been lost, so it’s vital to protect the remaining 10%.

    Hop over to the World Land Trust's website and help©World Land Trust

    Many endangered species live there, from the American Manatee and Magdalena River Turtle to the Lowland Tapir and Jaguar.  There are a lot of monkeys there – the White-footed Tamarin, the Brown Spider Monkey and the Varied White-fronted Capuchin.

    The World Land Trust works closely with local conservation organisations and it speaks very well of FBC’s track record of conservation.

    Your donation and mine will make a difference.
    If you can't donate, please please spread the word

    Our support will mean that this area is immediately protected – either that, or the logging industry will get it.

    Support land purchase for conservation and help ensure that healthy, biodiverse habitats survive.


  3. Swing over to the Sumatran Orangutan Society to find out more

    SOS (Sumatran Orangutan Society) has a new project partner – Nature for Change (NFC).

    They work to save the forests of the Leuser Ecosystem by addressing the survival of people living near the ecosystem’s buffer zone.

    Back in 2019, they enabled farmers to plant 5,000 fruit trees.   They are growing another 5,000 in their community tree nursery – and these will be planted in 2020.

    The team has started to work with farmers on bee-keeping as another way to make a living.  An expert visited them in January 2020 to train the farmers who were taking part in how to set up beehive and the hives will have bees in them very soon!

    You can really make a difference to orangutans

    NFC also has implemented its border patrol team.   They have been trained by national part officers and they are working on a number of things:

    • They maintain the trails along the national park border
    • They fix and replace signs
    • They record observations about wildlife tracks and signs along the border
    • They meet with farmers to build trust and gain their understanding so that they can appreciate how the farmers feel about wildlife.

    The team has also installed camera traps along animal trails.  These will give them a good understanding of the kind of wildlife in the area – wild pigs, Thomas leaf monkeys and porcupines have been spotted already.  This is invaluable information because it helps the team plan their work with farmers and their crops.

    This is all very exciting, because locals are essential in any battle to preserve habitat for wildlife and yet give those living there an income.

    You can find out more and donate here.

  4. The World Land Trust has great news for forests!

    On 16 January 2020, the Governement of Belize signed the declaration of North-eastern Biological Corridor of Belize.  It covers an area of nearly 70,000 acres and links the northernmost nature reserve in Belize with more central natural habitats.

    It’s really important, because it’s the first step towards achieving a total North-South corridor crossing the whole country as the map shows!

    Jaguars and other wildlife now have room to roam

    ©World Land Trust

    It’s a tremendous example of public-private partnership:  the government of Belize, local NGOs, private landowners and many international donors – including the World Land Trust – have been involved.


    The corridor connects a system of three protected areas in one system.  Deforestation has caused the loss of over 25,000 acres of forest in tihe last 10 years.

    This will now allow big animals such as jaguar and Baird’s Tapirs enough space to move freely between protected areas and so ensure their long term survival!  It will also help build climate resilience into Belize’s network of protected areas.

    Why was this acquisition necessary?

    In Belize, about 50% of the country is under natural vegetation cover.  About 35% of the country is under some form of protection. 

    So it is still possible to create biological corridors between protected areas.

    It’s vital that these acquisitions take place, and speedily, because agricultural development are increasingly encroaching on forest.

    How did supporters of the World Land Trust
    – people like you & me –
    help in this achievement?

    The World Land Trust mobilised its supporters and inspired new ones to raise funds to support this land acquisition.  It included 2018’s Big Match Fortnight Jungle for Jaguars campaign, and another Buy an Acre opportunity a few months after that.  (The Big Match Fortnight normally comes in October when donations are matched for a specific appeal – it is incredible how much and how speedily this builds up.)

    Donate in memory of someone special
    I donated to this campaign during the Big Match Fortnight (actually in memory of my wonderful Dad as his birthday is in November and I plant a tree or do a buy an acre on his birthday and at Christmas for him, as Dad loved trees). 

    Ask someone to donate as a gift for you
    I asked my husband to also donate as my early Christmas present and it was by far the best present I had.   It really meant something to me.  We had made a difference.

    I cannot tell you the glow and warm feeling I have in my heart when I think of my jaguar roaming the biological corridor.   I call him “my jaguar” – he obviously isn’t, and I’m never going to meet him – but it’s lovely to think that because I donated and my husband has too, we’ve helped him and lots of other animals.

    Please do donate to the World Land Trust if you can, and keep an eye on their website.  I often post news of their new appeals here, so you can watch this space as well.  They are a wonderful charity and it’s good to give a meaningful gift which will last, so if you’re looking for a gift for a wildlife lover, making a donation could be a great way to do something to really make a difference – a win, win, win all round!

    This was the You Tube Video for Jungle for Jaguars – it raised £532,000 in the Big Match Fortnight (normally early October) alone and hit the £600,000 target by Christmas, helping to save 8,154 vital acres.  A further 1,818 acres were saved a few months later.

  5. Bristol has become the first major city to declare an ecological emergency.

    They’ve done this in response to escalating threats to ecosystems and wildlife, as there’s been a worrying decline in numbers and the diveristy of wildlife in the city.

    41% of UK wildlife species are in decline and 15% are at risk of extinction

    In Bristol the city’s swifts and starling populations are virtually wiped out – with a 96% decline in numbers of these birds between 1994 and 2014

    Marvin Rees, Major of Bristol, and the CEO of the Avon Wildlife Trust Ian Barrett, are building on the 2018 declaration of a climate emergency.

    Plans to Tackle this Ecological Emergency

     Marvin Rees has asked the One City Envrionment and Sustainability Board work with the council and other city partners to look at ways in which the destruction of wildife habitats can be stopped.

    He wants them to look at ways to mange land sustainably, which will create wildlife-rich spaces, not just right across Bristol but across the region as well.

    Everywhere and everyone needs to support wildlife, including new developments, so that species can grow alongside people. 

    It’s recognised that is not a quick thing to achieve.  Nature takes her time, but she needs a considerable amount of help now. 

    She needs restoring.  Climate breakdown and ecological emergency are everywhere as wild spaces are lost and wildlife with it.

    As Ian Barrett says, we can’t wait for national governments or international bodies to lead the way.  Collective action is needed so that wildlife can thrive and the natural world can flourish.

    Find out more here about Bristol’s response to the ecological emergency

    This includes of course people like you and me.  We can all take action to do things such as planting a single window box for pollinators, walking where possible -  and doing beach clean ups on team building days or helping a local wildlife charity.

    At the moment, the Avon Wildlife Trust is working with local communities through a project called My Wild City.  It’s transforming 8 local wildlife sites across the city, so enhancing important wildlife habitats and providing opportunities for people to visit and enjoy them.

    Its urban wildlife site in Stapleton has restored wildlife in the heart of the city;  people can learn practical skills in wildlife friendly planting and help fight for nature’s recovery.

    Actions you can take:

    Donate to the Avon Wildlife Trust and help its work

    Volunteer – give your time and energy!  It’s a great way to meet like-minded people and make new friends and do something really worthwhile with your time that can make a difference. 

    Take action to help wildlife – there are a number of things you can do, including

    1. Build a hedgehog home
    2. Create a hole for hedghogs
    3. Grow a wild patch
    4. Attract butterflies to your garden
    5. Grow a vertical garden
    6. Provide water for wildlife
    7. Provide bushes for nesting birds
    8. Build a bug mansion
    9. Pick up litter (so wildlife don’t eat it or get harmed on it)
    10. Take part in a citizen survey
    11. Buy local produce
    12. And there are LOTS MORE!

    Become a member or give a gift membership – there’s even a business membership