Help #WorldOceansDay grow the movement to protect our blue planet, using #ProtectOurHome
The 2020 Focus – or theme – is all about uniting conservation action to grow a global movement calling on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030. This essential need is called 30x30. If we can safeguard at least 30% of our ocean through a network of well protected areas, then we can ensure a healthy home for everyone!
Two things you can do:
First, sign the petition calling on world leaders to protect 30% of our blue planet by 2030. Today, only 15% of land and 7% of our ocean are protected – and the aim is to protect 17% of land and 10% of ocean by the end of 2020.

Many of our world leaders however need a really good kick up the backside if these are to increase. They don’t quite seem to understand that the natural world provides critical resources which sustain life on earth. We need clean air to breathe. We need clean water to drink. We need good food to eat. We need medicines. We need the resources the natural world provides. Animals need it too.
So let’s give them a good kick up the backside and campaign for nature: Sign the petition here
Secondly, take a good look around the World Oceans Day website and see what is happening. There are resources you can download and use to spread the word. Some of these are for specific marine species such as sharks, rays, seals, hammerheads, turtles, dolphins and penguins. Others are for areas such as corals. And they come in different languages, too.
 Speak up for nature - there are resources you can download from the World Ocean Day 2020 website
There’s a guide you can download on how to use social media – it’s a PDF – plus banners and posters.
Find out more ways to act for our oceans here
#Togetherwecan #ProtectourHome |