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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead, American anthropologist, 1901-1978

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» Listings for October 2022


    Well, there’s never been a more important time to stand up for nature and make a real noise about it.

    Friends of the Earth emailed this morning.  Essentially, the UK is planning what they describe as a bonfire of the laws protecting our environment.

    Even in national parks, the UK government’s investment zones could concrete the countryside.  Developers would have a field day. Rules which limit river protection could go.  So could those protecting us from toxic pesticides.  If the Retained EU Law Bill goes ahead, Friends of the Earth say that hundreds of environmental laws could be torn up.

    Friends of the Earth have a petition urging us all to stand up for nature.

    Prime Minister Liz Truss is going all out for deregulation on a scale never seen before. 

    We all need to unite like never before and stand up for nature.  Over 70 organisations – including Friends of the Earth – have written to the government demanding a change of direction.

    Please join with them by signing and sharing the petition today.  

    I am quoting from the petition page:

    "To: the UK government 

    • Don’t axe the laws that protect our environment – commit to making them stronger instead. 
    • Protect nature in “investment zones”. Don’t let them turn into concrete jungles bereft of wildlife. 
    • Make planning rules work for people and nature - especially communities with limited access to nature."

    As Friends of the Earth point out, a recent YouGov poll found that 81% of UK adults believe that wildlife and the environment are under threat.  We need to stand up for nature.  Just over 80,000 people voted Liz Truss in as PM.  That’s a tiny amount compared to the number of nature lovers in the UK.

    Please sign the petition here

    Find out more about #DefendNature here

    Please take the 5 steps outlined by the Wildlife Trusts and contact your local MP and councillor.  We need to make some serious noise for nature.

    Please join in the conversation about conservation and the People's Plan for Nature... find out more and join in (by 30th October 2022)

    We need to protect nature.

    The Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust 
    have an appeal to save nature, including chalk streams.
    Find out more here



    350.org have a petition about a proposed new and enormous oil field called Rosebank. 

    350.org say that if this Rosebank oil field goes ahead, the annual CO2 emissions would be more than those of the 28 lowest-income countries in the world put together.

    350.org say that the Government should help tackle the cost-of-living crisis and our climate by kick-starting a fair transition to renewables and mass-insulating UK homes.

    It says that the only way the Government will reject those Rosebank oil and gas field is if they see HUGE public opposition to new North Sea oil and gas.

    Here’s the Conservative party manifesto for 2019, when they won the general election.  Check out their promises on climate change and fossil fuels.

    The UK Government could be:

    • Investing money into renewables for everyone
    • Help fossil fuel workers transition to other jobs
    • Take insulation and energy-saving measures to help us through the cost-of-living crisis.

    (Personally, I think it could also remove VAT off all products which mean we use more energy from renewables from washing lines for the garden and clothes horses (use the sun and wind to dry clothes) to solar power and wind power.)

    Add your name now: Demand that Liz Truss rejects Rosebank and ALL new North Sea oil and gas!