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Paul Whitehouse - Our Troubled Rivers starts tonight on BBC2 on 5 March 2023 at 8pm

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Tonight on BBC2, there’s a short series starting called Paul Whitehouse – Our Troubled Rivers.

The first programme is on Sunday 5 March 2023 at 8pm, and Paul Whitehouse looks at the state of British rivers, and the change in the water industry since it was privatised back in 1989.  He looks at the regulations there are for sewage discharge into rivers.

From the Lake District where there’s been an ecological decline in the stunning Lake Windermere, to the River Wharf where locals are concerned about the health of the river, we see Paul Whitehouse reveal how water companies have neglected their responsibilities to the environment.

And he meets people fighting back, such as Feargal Sharkey (former Undertones frontman) who is becoming a champion for cleaner rivers.

There are two episodes to watch.  In the second episode, Paul Whitehouse is in the south of England and Wales, visiting the River Wye and Hampshire. 

In Hampshire there’s damage being caused to the very rare chalk streams – and in Whitstable, there are problems for the oyster industry due to regular sewage discharges.

Finally, in London, perhaps the Thames Tideway super sewer is a beacon of hope? 

Ways to help

Now, if you want to help our canals and rivers, you could look at the Canal and River Trust and or the Rivers Trust;  there are lots of opportunities to volunteer, or you could donate.

The Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust have their Archers Green Appeal, raising funds to purchase a 20 acre site near Welwyn Garden City.  It has rare habitats, including chalk streams.  You can find out more and donate here.


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  1. Lucius Germain

    Paul, the water utilities are dealing with waste beyond their capacity yet more houses may soon be connected causing more river and sea pollution. The utility companies should be banned from charging for new connections whilst they can?t deal with the existing connections

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